Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Mastering Body: What’s Working This Time

Several times during my inconsistent blogging career, I’ve made grand proclamations about losing weight and documenting my process on the blog (examples are here, here and here).  While I do not consistently share the results (usually because there are none) I have shared some successes too (here and here).

This lack of project completion makes me scared to share (anything) on the blog.  Other bloggers talk about how their blog and their blog readers hold them accountable…I haven’t found that motivation (maybe because I haven’t found readers?)

But, (fingers crossed) things are going well over here in the weight loss/body confidence department, so I wanted to share with you what is helping (this time).

  • My new bike (mine is white, looks super hot and was an early wedding gift from the Pilot; pictures to come)
  • The Garmin Forerunner 210 (another early wedding present!!  What should I get him?)
  • The 17 day diet (forcing me to eat what I already know I should be eating)
  • Eat, Drink and Be Gorgeous (reminding me that moderation is key and to eat my protein first)
  • My Fitness Pal (free calorie counter that has a HUGE database of calorie counts and the android app has barcode scanner to make food tracking even easier!)
  • Peanut Butter Fingers (Julie’s motivation to wake up early and exercise daily is morning inspiration for me)
  • Carrots N Cake (I love everything about Tina’s blog, but her real life confessions make me realize we are all human and that we all struggle from time to time)
  • Healthy Tipping Point (Caitlin is the author of Operation Beautiful, a book I recommend to clients struggling with self-esteem issues, whose writing potential was discovered through her blog.  Have I mentioned that I have a book idea?) 
  • Meal and Miles (Meghann has given me the guts to try all sorts of fun and wacky food combinations to keep my limited food intake exciting)
  • The Fitnessista (Gina’s exercise recommendations leave no reason for me to become bored at the gym or enter into an exercise rut)
  • Pretty Little Words (Shout out to fellow Chicago blogger, Laura, who I recently discovered and was immediately jealous of her witty writing style)

So that’s it folks; these are the things I am finding most helpful and supportive as I attempt to lose weight and shape-up this time (for my wedding!).

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mastering Mind: Working from Home

At work, I set my own hours.  This has been a blessing and a curse.  The good news is it affords me the opportunity to go into the office only when I have clients scheduled.  The bad news is it affords me the opportunity to go into the office only when I have clients scheduled.  Basically, I have little motivation to complete the other tasks required by my job (session notes, networking, community outreach, blog and article writing).  I just want to see my clients and go home.

However, upon recent reflection and evaluation of my career goals, I realized that just seeing clients was not enough to get me where I want to go.  I need to get out and make connections, so people know who I am, what I am about and why they should send their clients/friends to see me.

With that discovery I made a new plan.  This plan includes a commitment to work from home (when tasks allow).  In the past, I would claim I was going to do some stuff for work and never get around to it or I would drive all the way (45 mins) to the office to complete tasks that can really be done from home.  This is all changing.  If it can be done from home and I set the intention to do it from home, I will do it!!

Last Monday morning I worked from home, responding to correspondence, blogging, and making community outreach/networking plans.  This was an a great way to ease into this idea because these were small task and did not require that I spread out to much.

This week however, the tasks became more involved and a challenge arose when the one desk we have was being occupied by the Pilot, who was also working from home today.


I can get over not having a desk, if he can get over this mess Winking smile

The real challenge was wanting to spend time with him and not do my work.  But, I mastered that challenge today!  I said I was going to work from home and gosh-darn-it, I did! 

My work stuff was completed in such a timely fashion that I was able to complete several personal tasks too (the major one being Save the Dates!!)

Stay tuned for a very exciting Mastering Body post!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mastering Spirit: Challenging my spirit

Two weeks ago I was travelling around the Island of St. Thomas looking at views like this:


And overnight the Blizzard of 2011 hit Chicago and I woke up to views like this:



If that doesn’t challenge my spirit, I don’t know what does Winking smile

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mastering Body: My Return to Bikram Yoga

To be perfectly honest, exercising and eating right has been a serious struggle this week.  I know all the reasons I have to take good care of myself (long, healthy life with my future husband, being healthy for my future children, fitting into my wedding dress, etc), but I just can’t seem to muster up the energy to make it to the gym or make healthy food choices.

This struggle resulted in no trips to the gym Tuesday and Wednesday and a series of text messages with the Pilot discussing motivation and energy.  But then, Thursday rolled around and it was my day off.  I decided if I can’t make time to work out on my day off, I’ll never find time to do it when I’m busy.  So, I got my butt to the gym and completed a simple speedwork run (5x400).  It’s only been 3 days, but I’m hoping that was the run that got me back on track.

Yesterday, the struggle returned.  I’ve been away from Bikram Yoga for exactly a month now (for financial reasons) and finally thought I could afford to return, which was my intention for yesterday’s workout.  However, about an hour before class I found myself in an emotional down place and considered skipping yoga class (and thus a workout) for a glass of wine.  Then, I recalled Caitlin’s recent post about healthy coping skills and realized 90 minutes of yoga would be the ultimate mood booster.  Of course I was right.  I had great first class back and was able to concentrate only on yoga for those 90 minutes (what was bothering me prior to class wasn’t thought about once).

And today again, I had no desire to go to the gym after a horrible night’s sleep and an early wake-up call for work.  So I compromised with myself, just make it to the gym and do another simple run.  I complete 2.16 miles (the number seems random I know, but it was selected for a purpose) and then went home to complete 8 sun salutations.  Now, I’m barely tired anymore.

As for my diet, I’ve laid out one simple goal inspired by one of Tina’s recent blog posts.  Make sure to include protein with every meal.  I’m hopeful that consuming more protein will improve my overall energy level.

Cheers to blogging 3 times this week, as outlined by my new years resolutions!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mastering Mind: Coffee Catch-up


That beautiful girl standing beside me in this incredibly dated (November 2008) picture is one of my bridesmaids.  Liss and I met in our first year of grad school and have seen each other through several life-altering situations.  Liss has been a supporter of my relationship with the Pilot from day one and I could literally hear her smiling through the phone when I told her we were engaged.  Those, among many others, are the reasons why I asked her to be part of the bridal party.

Liss is currently living in California with her fiancé, Benny-Boo, while he completes his PsyD internship (thank you Argosy University for bring us all together).  However, this week she is in town for some wedding planning and internship interviewing of her own and we were able to carve out a 90 minute chat at Starbucks yesterday.

Conversations with Liss yesterday, some serious and some silly, were a great way for me to master mind this week.  Creativity crept in when talking about wedding colors or strategic budget ideas.  Active listening skills were activated when talking about the stress included in wedding planning and our memory was engaged when we started to recall what we were like 4.5 years ago when we first met and how much we’ve changed.

I encourage everyone to call a friend and practice the mindful art of listening.  Then challenge that friend to do the same for you (I know you’ll want to talk as well).

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mastering Mind, Body & Spirit in 2011

In case you haven’t heard I’m engaged and getting married this year!!


That being said, I think this year offers a wonderful opportunity to continue my quest to master my mind, body and spirit.

Resolutions for 2011

Master my mind by:

  • Studying for, taking and passing my licensing exam
  • Meditating and journaling more regularly
  • Attempting to blog 3 times a week
  • Enjoying the experience of being engaged

Master my body by:

  • Continuing the fitness and eating regimen that has already helped me drop one dress size
  • Completing a 30 day challenge (30 day shred, anyone?)
  • Running my 2nd half marathon
  • Attempting new recipes more often

Master my spirit by:

  • Attending church weekly
  • Meeting with a Priest to complete the pre-marriage requirements outlined by the church
  • Getting married in a Catholic Church

2010 was an amazing year (graduating, getting a job, moving in with the Pilot and getting engaged), so I am a little sad to see it go, but also very excited to see what 2011 will bring.

Happy New Year!