Wednesday, August 19, 2009

broken cameras & rain will not slow me down

I stepped on the scale this morning and my camera would NOT turn on! So now, I have to (gasp!) actually type this morning's weight. Which is fine because it is less than yesterdays ;-)

Today I weighed:

I had to babysit all day today so I packed my Vera Bradley lunchbox to the brim with goodies. However, after a delayed train (due to inclement weather) put me behind schedule, I had to buy dinner. A sandwich from Corner Bakery won and I only ate half of it!

20 is my magic number; so this morning I did several different ab exercises at 2 sets of 20. I have got to find fun and interesting ways to keep my eyes on the prize. Incorporating the number 20, as much as possible, into everything I do is 1 way I intend to do that.

"In the distance the clanging electronic bell of the Fremont Bridge announced its impending ascension and Mira imagined the small blue expanse rising in the misty morning like a backhanded salute to Seattle's crazed morning commuters."
Chapter 18 of "Love and Biology at the Center of the Universe" contained this wonderfully written sentence and I wanted to share it; just 'cause.

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