- Talk to seminar Professor
- E-mail psychoanalytic mentor
- Meet with Comps grader
- Read Nancy McWilliams
- Read more Nancy McWilliams
- Read a third Nancy McWilliams book
- Organize all class notes that could be of possible interest while taking the exam
I re-wrote that part and completed subsequent parts all by the close of the first week. This meant I had a whole week to edit, add and refine my work. I passed the first draft off to my mom and the Pilot who both edited it and asked many questions to help me clarify my writing. I woke up at some other point that week and decided to rework one more aspect of the paper and then was completely confident in what I had written and only needed to edit and pay attention to page limits. I finished it at 7:30 pm the night before it was due, printed it the following morning and turned it in, among much panic. Remember, if I didn't pass the test this time around I would not be graduating on my projected graduation date.
Additional pressure about graduating on time was coming from other places; my practicum site. Back in March (the same week I found out I hadn't passed the exam the first time) I was interviewing potential interns for next year. After all the interviews had been conducted, my supervisors took me out for a dinner meeting to discuss my thoughts, their thoughts and hopefully land on a decision. We all agreed within the first 5 minutes of the meeting who we would like to offer the position too (although she ended up declining, having taken a position elsewhere); which left a lot of time to chat about other stuff. My supervisors had a hidden agenda all along; THEY OFFERED ME A JOB!!! So passing the test in May, not only meant that I would graduate on time, it also meant that I would employed upon graduation.
On June 18, 2010 I returned to school to pick up my exam results. The Pilot was unable to accompany me there this time, but requested I call him as soon as I got the envelope so he could be on the phone with me when I opened it. I called (3 times before he answered), opened the exam, and read aloud, "Congratulations, you have passed!" I was jumping up and down in a dark, abandoned classroom as I continued to read further comments that included this gem; "You met or exceeded our expectations on every critical domain." I hung up with the Pilot, called my parents and then my supervisor.
Ten days later, I had finished my required 750 hours of intern work and walked into the Lighthouse as an employee! My graduation ceremony is in November, but I am officially practicing therapy with an MACL!